Glenridge Acres
grass-fed beef

Attention racers! Glenridge Acres is an active farm. Watch where you step!
We are home to grazing cattle and honeybees.
Grass-fed beef sales start in October. We offer cutting options and sausage.
2024 beef Sales
Hello Glenridge Beef customers!
We are once again coming into the fall months and approaching our annual beef sale. Our steers have been grazing all summer on our Glen valley property and are scheduled for butchering early October, which is a month earlier than our usual timing. This means the finished product will be ready for pickup in the middle of October.
All of the meat is pure black angus, lean, grass fed, and raised on a certified organic field!
It is hard to gauge what weights and costs will be as we do not have the final weights of the animals yet, but based on the values from previous years, here are some things to consider. The beef sells for $9.00 per hanging pound. This is about 550 lbs per cow, 275 lb per side, and 135lbs per quarter. This puts a quarter cow at a cost of about 1200-1300$, and a yield about 90-110 lbs of packed meat.
A quarter animal consists of a variety of cuts from steaks and ribs, to roasts and ground meat. There will be cutting options for you to choose in the fall such as what kind of steaks and roasts, and how much should be turned into ground meat. There are also options for several types of sausage, soup bones and organs.
If you would like to reserve or sign up for this year, please indicate the amount and submit any comments by clicking this link, and filling out the form:
Thank you to those who have done so already!
For payment we accept checks (made out to Glenridge acres), and e-transfers (to Invoices will be sent out once we receive the hanging weights. For any new customers we require a $200 deposit as we have been selling out in previous years. You will receive an email regarding this once I receive your order.
If you have any questions you can email me at or call/text me at (778) 779-1935.
Audrey Rauch